Youthful Hair Solutions

Hair loss is a common condition that affects millions of Americans. Thankfully, there are now several hair loss treatments available that can restore self-confidence and youthfulness. SmartGraft is a proven solution for hair restoration that can elevate your quality of life.

Man with brown hair smiling

Why Choose The LaVie Institute for Hair Restoration?

At The LaVie Institute, we provide a welcoming, state-of-the-art environment, home to an 8-room clinic as well as our 2 onsite accredited operating theaters. Our four board-certified plastic surgeons create personalized treatment plans that fulfill each patient’s unique aesthetic goals while taking into consideration their individual comfort levels, anatomy, and preferences. This customized approach results in elegant, nuanced outcomes and a seamless patient experience that exceeds expectations.

What Are SmartGraft Hair Transplants?

SmartGraft is a cutting-edge, highly acclaimed hair restoration technique that offers patients of all genders the ability to combat and reverse all forms of hair loss. The procedure utilizes micro-sized grafts of the patient’s own hair to fill in thinning areas of the crown and hairline, while simultaneously stimulating new hair growth. This method comes with less downtime than other treatments, and it leaves patients with highly natural, long-lasting results. 

What Are the Benefits of SmartGraft?

  • The results are incredibly natural – The SmartGraft technique works by harvesting the patient’s own hair follicles, meaning that the newly-transplanted hair looks the same as the surrounding hair.
  • Minimal scarring – SmartGraft involves harvesting ‘micro-grafts’ from the patient’s scalp. Taking smaller grafts means no big scars following the treatment.
  • One-shot procedure – The SmartGraft procedure can be completed in a single five-hour session, which is carried out in the practitioner’s office.
  • Little downtime – Recovery time is minimal compared to other hair loss treatments.
  • The results show up in as little as three months.
  • Full hair growth usually happens in just 12 to 14 months. 

Who Is A Good Candidate For SmartGraft?

Virtually all hair loss sufferers are considered good candidates for this procedure. Whether the condition is male pattern hair loss, female pattern hair loss, or alopecia areata, SmartGraft is an effective solution. Patients should schedule a consultation to find out more information and determine their candidacy. Generally speaking, SmartGraft is considered ideal for patients who:

  • Want a permanent solution to hair loss with natural-looking results.
  • Prefer wearing their hair short. No scars means patients don’t have to worry about showing a little scalp.
  • Are looking to get the best results with the fastest recovery time possible.
  • Have previously undergone a strip-harvesting procedure and want to hide the scarring. 

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How Does the Procedure Work?

SmartGraft is an FUE hair transplant technique. The acronym FUE signifies “follicular unit extraction,” a technique that involves isolating and extracting one to four hair follicles at a time. These follicular units are most often extracted from the back of the head, as those hairs are most resistant to DHT. 

These follicular unit groupings are known as micro-grafts. Once they are collected, they are kept securely inside the SmartGraft device until the surgeon is ready to perform the implant. When placed in the right areas, the micro-grafts look totally natural.

The Day of the Procedure

The procedure typically proceeds with the following steps:

  • The donor and implant areas are prepped. For the donor sites, this involves shaving the hair fairly close to the skin to allow for proper harvesting.
  • A local anesthetic is applied to the areas selected to receive the implants.
  • Micro-grafts are removed from the donor sites using the SmartGraft device.
  • A local anesthetic is applied to the implantation sites.
  • Small incisions are made in the implantation sites for the micro-grafts.
  • The micro-grafts are implanted one at a time until the process is completed. 

Recovery and Results

Patients are given detailed instructions on how to take care of their scalp and hair in the weeks following their treatment, including hair washing directions. Patients are generally able to get back to work the very next day and can resume more physical activities after a few days. Onlookers will not be able to tell that the patient has had work done until their hair grows out. 

On average, it takes about three months to see any changes from the SmartGraft hair transplantation technique. By this point, patients start to see the first signs of new hair growth. After six months, there is a noticeable boost in thickness around the implant sites. By the one-year mark, the full results of the procedure will be perceivable. 

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What is the Consultation Like?

During the consultation, patients divulge some information about their medical history and their scalp health is thoroughly assessed. All questions about the procedure and results are discussed during this meeting as well. Patients are then given some instructions for how to prepare in the days leading up to the procedure. 

It is recommended that patients dress comfortably and bring something to listen to during the procedure. As the procedure lasts 5 hours, it usually commences in the morning. In many cases, patients are given a mild sedative to help them relax. Patients will need to arrange a ride home, as they may not be able to drive. 

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