Enhanced Facial Profile

Genetics, age, weight fluctuations, lifestyle, and even environmental factors all play a role in the changes our faces experience over time. These changes often make the patient feel less attractive than they used to be and less willing to branch out socially. Chin and cheek enhancement procedures can help enhance self-confidence and create a more harmonious profile.

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Why Choose The LaVie Institute?

The LaVie Institute is a sanctuary for concierge care and personalized attention where patients receive elegant, natural-looking results in a world-class accredited setting. Our practice boasts a state-of-the-art 8-room clinic along with 2 onsite operating theaters, providing patients with access to cutting-edge technology and equipment.

We recognize that each client is on a unique life journey and our aim is to support them in achieving their best selves. Through meticulously detailed, precision-based techniques and consummate artistry, we exceed expectations for excellence at every juncture.

What is Chin and Cheek Augmentation?

Chin and cheek augmentation can help offset age-related volume loss or correct imbalances that stem from genetics, sculpting more youthful, attractive facial contours. There are a wide variety of enhancement options available, including implants, fat grafting, dermal fillers, or reduction techniques. After undergoing these procedures, patients find that their facial features become a source of confidence rather than self-consciousness. 

What Are the Benefits?

Chin and cheek augmentation comes with a wide array of benefits, including:

  • Improves balance and harmony among the facial features
  • Improves definition of the chin, cheek, and jawline 
  • Creates a more youthful facial structure
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Who is a Good Candidate?

Chin and cheek augmentation can be revolutionary for patients who are self-conscious about their facial contours and profiles. That said, patients should make sure that they are choosing treatment for themselves and not to conform to societal norms.

Ideal candidates for these treatments:

  • Are in good physical health and can maintain a healthy weight
  • Have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure
  • Are non-smokers
  • Are self-conscious about the appearance of their chin and/or cheeks

Chin Enhancement Options

Chin Implant Surgery

This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and typically lasts only an hour. Incisions are placed under the chin and inside of the mouth. The implant is inserted into a pocket in front of the jaw and kept in place by screws and sutures. Patients can usually resume their daily routines within two weeks after the surgery is completed. 

Reduction Mentoplasty

A reduction mentoplasty, otherwise known as a chin reduction, is employed to balance the facial features and decrease the overall size of the chin. The size of the chin bone is reduced, providing the patient with a positive self-image and a more proportionate profile.

Chin Liposuction

An innovative way to reduce stubborn submental fullness is through chin liposuction surgery. Small incisions under the chin are used to remove excess fat through a cannula, sculpting a more refined and youthful profile. Downtime is minimal, and results are seen immediately.


This procedure combines chin liposuction and muscle tightening to diminish a patient’s double chin. The treatment creates more definition between the chin and the neck, giving the patient a smoother neckline. The surgery is sometimes performed in tandem with a chin implant to produce a more refined and balanced aesthetic.

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A Seamless Treatment at our State-of-the-Art Facility

At The LaVie Institute, patients enjoy access to the skill, precision, and artistry of our four board-certified plastic surgeons who operate in a safety-oriented, accredited setting. We empower patients with the information and education they require in order to make the best decisions for their appearance and wellbeing. This means a detailed consultation as well as a thorough aftercare process to ensure a seamless, stress-free recovery.

Cheek Enhancement Options

Both surgical and non-surgical cheek augmentation procedures can improve the midface contours and balance the facial features while creating more definition and volume.

Cheek Implants

Cheek implant surgery can enhance the look of the cheeks and give more definition to the cheekbones. It is performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. Incisions are made inside the mouth to create pockets for the implant. The implant is then positioned on or underneath the cheekbones, based on preference. The recovery period from this procedure is short, with most patients resuming their daily activities just one week after the surgery.

Fat Grafting

Patients that want to enhance their cheeks in a more natural way can benefit from fat grafting. This method involves harvesting fat from other areas of the patient’s body (most often the flanks, thighs, or stomach) and then transferring it into the cheeks by way of injections. Fat transfers are minimally invasive procedures performed using liposuction on an outpatient basis. Treatment usually requires general anesthesia, and the recovery period lasts about two weeks. 

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Dr. Daniali is the very best. She made me feel totally comfortable about my surgery, and was very thorough about what to expect after the surgery was over. As a woman, she understood what I was concerned about. Her staff is wonderful. Very caring and supportive. Not to mention I love the way I look, and even more the way I feel. Go see Dr. Daniali, you won't be sorry. Thanks Dr. Daniali!

Charlene Randall

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